Reading an article about corporate liquidations, you learn of a firm’s shareholders who object to the board’s decision to liquidate. Turning to your golf partner, you ask, “can a 50% shareholder remove a director?”. “Good question, I don’t know”, she responds, “but I bet Event Driven Daily would have the answer.”

Can a 50% Shareholder Remove a Director?

Whether a 50% shareholder can remove a director depends on the jurisdictional laws and the company’s articles of incorporation and bylaws. Companies are structured and governed by articles of incorporation; formal documents filed with a governing body legally creating the company. Corporate bylaws are the internal rules and procedures adopted by the board of directors to govern the corporation’s operation. The question: Can a 50% shareholder remove a director? demands we consider a few general points.

Jurisdiction – Due to corporate law variance among states and countries, some jurisdictions permit a 50% shareholder to remove a director, while other territorial governing bodies require a higher shareholder ownership percentage for director removal.

Articles and Bylaws – These corporate procedural documents contain specific addendums outlining board fiduciary violations deemed removable offenses, required shareholder ownership, necessary voting percentages, and a formal process for director removal.

Shareholder Agreement – A shareholder agreement is a binding agreement outlining the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of a company’s shareholders. This conflict-prevention agreement is the internal scaffolding of how shareholders will interact with the firm and each other to ensure clarity of co-existence. The agreement may contain clauses detailing ownership and voting percentages required to remove a director.

Board Approval – A company’s governing structure may dictate board of director approval is needed to remove a director in addition to the support of a significant shareholder.

Voting – Convening a shareholder meeting is part of the director removal process for most companies. Some firms initiate the meeting only if there is a 50% shareholder opposition while others do not require this prerequisite. The carrying vote percentage varies with some companies only requiring a simple over 50% majority to approve a director removal, while others require a 67% or more supermajority vote.

Can a 50% shareholder remove a director? Yes, but it depends on the company’s articles of incorporation and bylaws jurisdictional setting, coupled with a shareholder agreement overlay, if applicable. A 50% shareholder would have to have control over corporate policy to remove a director, but do they?

A 50% shareholder has significant influence but does not have full control over a firm. Here are some 50% stakeholder aspects to consider:

  • Influence – A 50% shareholder can significantly shape company decisions and block any simple majority vote resolutions.
  • Shared Control – Significant shareholders cannot make unilateral decisions that require a shareholder vote. They would need the support of at least one other shareholder for the passage of most resolutions.
  • Stacking the Board – If the 50% stakeholder is influential enough to elect board members who align with his interest, he could indirectly control management and the firm’s operations.
  • Deadlock – Situations can arise where decisions cannot be made because the 50% shareholder disagrees with the remaining 50% shareholders. This governance conflict may require arbitration, mediation, and, if unsuccessful, legal intervention.

Can a 50% shareholder remove a director? It depends upon the corporate governing structure and the company’s jurisdictional domicile as to whether a 50% stakeholder can remove a director.

Read next: Corporate Liquidating Distribution: How Does It Work?

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