Corporate liquidations and stalled growth can often trace their origins to ineffective leadership at the top. How do you deal with a dysfunctional board of directors? How do you navigate personality clashes, power struggles, or poor decision-making? What steps can ensure effective governance and restore organizational health?

How Do You Deal with a Dysfunctional Board of Directors?

Dealing with a dysfunctional board of directors requires a combination of strategy, diplomacy, and clear communication. Here are the steps you can take to address the situation:

Identify the Root Cause - A dysfunctional board of directors can stem from several underlying issues. Personality conflicts may arise when board members clash due to personal differences, while a lack of clarity in roles can create confusion about responsibilities.

Power struggles, with members jockeying for influence or authority, can further destabilize the group. Additionally, poor communication often leads to misunderstandings, exacerbating tensions. Finally, when board members are disinterested or disengaged, decision-making suffers, weakening the overall effectiveness of the board.

Solution - Assess the issues, either informally through one-on-one conversations or through a formal board assessment.

Clearly Define Roles and Responsibilities - To improve board effectiveness, it’s essential to provide comprehensive board training, ensuring that each member fully understands their fiduciary duties, roles, and responsibilities. Additionally, establishing clear board guidelines that outline expected behavior, meeting protocols, and decision-making processes helps create structure and sets the foundation for cohesive and effective governance.

Solution – A concise, well-defined governance structure reduces conflict and confusion.

Improve Communication - Consider engaging an external facilitator to manage difficult conversations or contentious topics during meetings. Establish a structured communication plan with regular meetings, reports, and updates to ensure that all members stay informed. Implementing a clear conflict resolution process, through mediation or internal procedures, can further help in resolving disputes and maintaining board harmony.

Solution - Good communication precipitates transparency and collaboration.

How do you deal with a dysfunctional board of directors? Start by encouraging open dialogue to address conflicts and clarify misunderstandings. Regular meetings and feedback sessions can help rebuild trust and alignment.

Confront Dysfunctional Behavior Directly - To address disruptive behavior within the board, start with one-on-one discussions to privately understand the member’s perspectives while highlighting the negative impact of their actions. During these conversations, it’s important to set clear boundaries, outline unacceptable behavior, and specify the changes needed to improve overall board dynamics.

Solution - Addressing the situation directly and diplomatically can prevent long-term disruption and potentially preserve working relationships.

Board Chair Leverage - Strong leadership from a capable and neutral board chair is essential for fostering healthy board dynamics. The chair can mediate conflicts and set a constructive tone while delegating authority ensures that the agenda is followed, time is respected, and all voices are heard, promoting effective governance.

Solution - A unifying force is an empowered chair.

Review the Board’s Composition - Conducting a skills assessment is crucial to determine if the board has the right mix of expertise to meet the organization's current challenges. When gaps are identified, recruiting new members with fresh perspectives or the ability to navigate difficult group dynamics can strengthen the board and enhance its effectiveness.

Solution - Refreshing the board with diverse talent may reinvigorate its effectiveness.

How do you deal with a dysfunctional board of directors? Reorient discussions around shared goals and the organization's mission. By shifting focus to common objectives, you can reduce personal conflicts and help the board collaborate more effectively.

Implement Accountability Structure - Regular board evaluations are essential for assessing both individual and overall performance, ensuring the board remains effective. By setting clear, measurable performance metrics and consistently reviewing progress, the board can stay aligned with its goals and make necessary adjustments to improve its governance and decision-making.

Solution – Insisting on board members' accountability can prevent dysfunction from festering.

Third-Party Mediation - Engaging a neutral mediator can be an effective way to address persistent dysfunction within a board. A professional third party can clarify underlying issues, guide discussions, and provide unbiased solutions, helping to resolve conflicts and restore productive board dynamics.

Solution - Entrenched conflict can be successfully addressed through this effective solution.

Take Action, Always - If chronic dysfunction persists and other solutions have been exhausted, it may be necessary to remove problematic members from the board. In accordance with bylaws, this step should be considered when individuals consistently undermine board effectiveness, and no other interventions have succeeded.

Solution – This Solution-of-Last-Resort can be necessary to restore the board’s functionality.

How do you deal with a dysfunctional board of directors? A combination of these strategies tailored to the specific dynamics of your board can help restore healthy governance and create a more effective leadership environment.

Read next: How Long Does Liquidation Usually Take?

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